While wrinkles were once the only point of contention in aging skin, there is a rising concern over the treatment of age spots. Age spots are flat, brown spots that can accumulate on the face, back, and other areas of the body… and as an esthetician, you need to be able to offer some cosmetic relief to lighten age spots even if they are harmless! Take a look below to get a deeper understanding of age spots and how to treat them.

Sun damage
The most common trigger behind age spots is too much sun exposure… the heightened UVB rays can actually damage skin’s DNA leading to an increased production of melanin. Prevent future damage by educating clients on the importance of sun protection, and set the standard by applying sunscreen to their skin after every treatment. If you apply sunscreen in a professional setting, then hopefully your clients will begin using it in home care routines. On the other hand, you can lighten age spots using products such as Rescue Me Essential Oil… it’s something like the fountain of youth!

Inflammation from acne, allergies or diet
In addition to sun damage, inflammation can lead to age spots on your face and other parts of the body as well. However, inflammation from post acne scarring is probably the most significant cause since it can result in hyperpigmentation and discoloration. If your clients do suffer from acne skin, you’ll want to reduce the potential for chronic inflammation by avoiding harsh chemicals in products and makeup… we want to calm already irritated skin, not fuel it! You already know we believe in the saying “you are what you eat”, so we recommend that you discuss diet with your clients — it can play a crucial role in reducing inflammation! Suggest that they avoid fried foods, saturated fat and foods high in sugar.

Environmental agents
Sun damage is the leading cause of age spots, no question! However, environmental agents also play a role; for example, smoking, drinking and high amounts of stress all enhance the effects of aging. Specifically, smoking correlates strongly with the appearance of age spots as it reduces the amount of oxygen and blood that’s carried to the skin. While the obvious solution here is a lifestyle change, exfoliation is extremely beneficial too! To reveal clear under-the-surface skin, it may be beneficial to discuss a microdermabrasion treatment or use products such as the Rescue Me Mature Intro Cleansing Set.

Original article located here..